Investing to End Modern Slavery: Case Studies

There have been multiple shareholder campaigns over the years that have asked companies to increase their efforts to eradicate human trafficking and modern slavery. Some requests to companies have been embedded inside of bigger requests, such as establishing a code of conduct or a human rights policy. Other requests have had a laser-focus, such as implementing human trafficking prevention training or assessing forced labor in a company’s supply chain. Regardless, due to investor engagement and pressure from other stakeholders, numerous companies have begun to take steps to address any forced labor or human trafficking related to their business activities.

Laid out in this companion report to Investing to End Modern Slavery: a landscape assessment and roadmap to increase investor engagement, are details of 10 prominent campaigns. Each case study includes the geographic regions where the abuse is most common, past investor and brand actions, and future opportunities for investor engagement.

Unfortunately, these issue areas are still abundant with human trafficking and forced labor. By sharing these case studies, the intention is to promote best practices, identify opportunities for further action, and to encourage continued investor engagement.

RSN Staff